
Wheel Measurement: Tips For Choosing The Right Offroad Tires

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Wheel Measurement: Tips For Choosing The Right Offroad Tires

When I started out on the off-road scene, I realized that I had a lot to learn about four-wheel-drive tires and how to determine what size to buy for my truck. I spent a lot of time researching the tires and rims before I bought anything. Since it was so hard to learn how to measure properly, especially for the backspacing, I decided to create a site that consolidates all of the information I learned. My hope is that the information here will help other starting four-wheel-drive enthusiasts to choose their tires and rims for that first suspension lift installation.


Caring For Your Custom Racing Wheels: Faqs

If you went through the process of scouting out the most attractive wheels for your race car, then you probably invested a good sum of money into them. Now that you have these racing wheels in place, taking care of them will help ensure you and your car get to show off this investment for the long term. Knowing how to maintain your racing wheels is important, and it just takes a little research to know what to do. Here are a few of the most common questions regarding racing wheel maintenance.

What is the best way to clean chrome-plated aluminum?

Chrome-plated aluminum is made with a chrome alloy material that is incorporated into the aluminum wheel base. The finish is resilient but can be prone to scratching and wear if you use anything too harsh for cleaning. The best way to clean these wheels is with a good washcloth and a non-abrasive soap. Make sure you dry the wheels thoroughly after they have been washed and rinsed to thwart problems with soap spots. If you have it on hand, a chrome polish is good to add after cleaning as well, because it will help keep that shine looking mirror-perfect. 

Will a painted finish wear away with cleaning?

Two-tones wheels are popular these days in racing wheel design. For example, you can find Cosmis racing wheels in everything from red and black to yellow and white. These painted finishes definitely give you a lot of personality for your vehicle, but they can also require a little more care where maintenance is concerned. The finish will likely be protected by clear coat, but this clear coat should be cleaned only with mild detergent and water. Leave the strong scrub brushes and brisk scrubbing tools out of your cleaning process. Instead, go for soft cloths to avoid damaging the finish. 

Should clear coat be reapplied occasionally?

If your custom racing wheels come with a clear coat to protect a painted finish, it could very well have to be applied after some span of time. You may start to notice some spots on your wheels look a little less shiny than they did when they were new, which is a good indication that the clear coat is breaking down or wearing away. Because clear coat serves the function of protecting a painted finish, it is important to have it reapplied when you see signs of degrading.