
Wheel Measurement: Tips For Choosing The Right Offroad Tires

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Wheel Measurement: Tips For Choosing The Right Offroad Tires

When I started out on the off-road scene, I realized that I had a lot to learn about four-wheel-drive tires and how to determine what size to buy for my truck. I spent a lot of time researching the tires and rims before I bought anything. Since it was so hard to learn how to measure properly, especially for the backspacing, I decided to create a site that consolidates all of the information I learned. My hope is that the information here will help other starting four-wheel-drive enthusiasts to choose their tires and rims for that first suspension lift installation.


3 Great Services Tires Shops Can Perform To Your Vehicle

No matter what type of vehicle you have, it's instrumental to take good care of its tires. You don't have to struggle with this part of automotive maintenance when you get help from a tire shop. They can perform the following helpful services. 

Pressure Check 

Maintaining the right PSI (pounds per square inch) range for each tire on your vehicle is instrumental in being able to drive safely on the road. Checking these figures won't be difficult at all when you take your vehicle to a tire shop. There, they can check each tire's PSI range quickly using their digital tire pressure gauges.

They know exactly what PSI range your tires need to be at too. If these ranges are off in any way, they can adjust accordingly. Then, you won't have to worry as much about experiencing a blow-out while driving on the road.


It's natural for your tires to start wearing down over time. Fortunately, you can prolong this natural process by having your tires rotated. This task can be completed quickly and safely at a professional tire shop.

First, they'll hoist your vehicle up using a crank — giving them easy access to underneath your vehicle. They'll then take each tire and place it on a new position. These placement switches can help you get the most out of your tires, which can save you a fortune over the years on tire replacements. 

Tread Inspection 

Unfortunately, tires are not meant to last forever. Their tread will in fact wear down to the point of unsafe driving conditions. It's important to know when your tires have reached this point, which is possible when you get assistance from a tire shop.

They'll quickly assess the tread depth of each tire. If any one of your tire's treads has worn down too much, they'll recommend a replacement. They can show you the measurements too so you know for sure you need new tires. Thanks to this quick inspection, you can rest assured your tires will have ample traction on any surface. 

Tires are one of the most important components on your vehicle, and as such, you need to take good care of them each year. You won't struggle with this in the slightest when you get help from an experienced tire shop. Their many services will ensure your tires are fully primed for whatever road adventures you go on. 

For more information, contact local professionals like those found at Radial Tire Service.